Online Registration And Payment Form

OSS #52 Two-Year-Old Sustaining

To sustain a 2-year-old, it must have been nominated to OSS#52 as a yearling. If you intend to race this 2-year-old in the OSS in 2024, a sustaining payment in the amount of $600 CDN ($475 USD) must be received in the OSS office or postmarked no later than March 15, 2024.

If a 2-year-old was NOT nominated to OSS#52 as a yearling, the 2-year-old Late Nomination fee is $1,500 CDN ($1,180 USD). The payment must be received in the OSS office or postmarked no later than March 15, 2024. If you intend to race this 2-year-old in the OSS in 2024, the $600 CDN ($475 USD) sustaining payment is also due on March 15, 2024.

For additional information about sustaining a horse to the Ontario Sires Stakes please contact the Program Coordinator at

Online Registration And Payment Form

OSS #51 Three-Year-Old Sustaining

To sustain a 3-year-old, it must have been nominated to OSS#51 as a yearling. If you intend to race this 3-year-old in the OSS in 2024, a sustaining payment in the amount of $800 CDN ( $630 USD ) must be received in the OSS office or postmarked no later than February 15, 2024.